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Dave’s coronavirus blog post 8

Corona Virus Posts


Date published

A fairly short one today.

We managed to complete the task of writing to every one of our fee paying clients with an update yesterday, which means it took 6 working days. The letter was on top of various other communications we’ve issued since the virus shook the financial markets in late February. We’re very pleased with that. We’ve also had some really nice feedback from clients too.

As a team, we’ve been getting better at holding a video call to ‘just have a natter’, replicating those moments in the office when you just end up talking about last nights TV, or laughing at some nonsense someone has posted on the residents Facebook page. 

I have a business buddy and we mentor and motivate each other.  He’s been having a tough time recently as a direct result of the pandemic, and I know it’s a very stressful time. We’re all facing challenges we didn’t expect and I am extremely grateful that my business is one that is able to function during the lockdown.  

Take care folks!