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Improving the sustainability of our office

Improving the sustainability of our office


Date published

We’ve previously shared small but significant changes we’ve encouraged our landlord – Regus – to take, including installing a sensor to turn lights off when the common areas aren’t in use as well as electric vehicle charging points and secure cycle storage areas.

We’re continuing to push for changes such as the implementation of a fully renewable energy contract, solar panels on the building and improved on-site recycling facilities.

Regus has also made a global commitment to greater sustainability, aiming to become carbon neutral next year. This plan includes the recent introduction of a series of initiatives in offices like ours including reducing unnecessary cleaning.

If you add up all the power and materials used to clean all the rooms in every Regus workspace around the world at the end of every working day, this adds up to a huge carbon footprint.

We are introducing a more mindful cleaning programme, that helps us clean only when it’s needed. You’ll be given a doorhanger and, just like in a hotel, you tell us when your space needs cleaning.

Being more mindful about how frequently you need a clean will make a huge difference. In fact, we could save around 303 tCO2e (carbon tonnes equivalent) per year just by cutting down on cleaning.

Although we quite like the idea, we’re reserving judgement for now given you could argue this particular initiative is a way to do less whilst charging the same amount. And I’d like to know what impact it will have on the cleaners themselves who probably aren’t on particularly favourable contracts in the first place.

We’re looking forward to seeing the other steps Regus takes to reach their target of becoming carbon neutral in 2023.